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門杜認為,中非人口占全球三分之一,其現代化進程與全球密切相關。中國企業在非洲不僅為當地年輕人帶來大量就業機會,還通過青年培訓、技術轉移等方式支持非洲可持續發展。此外ku酷游平臺ku游app,中國在非洲推進的基礎設施建設,特別是在貿易便利化方面的貢獻,不僅促進了中非合作的發展,也進一步加強了非洲國家間的經濟聯系;不僅促進了中非命運共同體的構建,也促進了人類命運共同體的構建,體現了中國在推動全球發展與繁榮中的重要作用。(記者 王高飛 趙麗)
The 2023 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit concluded on Friday in Beijing. In an exclusive interview with China News Network, Joseph Oliver Mendo'o, executive director of the International Exchange Department of the China-Africa Business Council, and head of the African Youth Delegation in China, remarked that during the opening ceremony of the FOCAC Summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized the concept of modernization where "no one should be left behind," stating that only with the modernization of both China and Africa can the world achieve true modernization.
He pointed out that China and Africa together account for one-third of the world's population, and their modernization processes are closely tied to global progress. Chinese enterprises in Africa have not only created substantial employment opportunities for local youth but also supported sustainable development through youth training and technology transfer. Additionally, China's contributions to infrastructure development in Africa, particularly in trade facilitation, have not only advanced China-Africa cooperation but also strengthened economic ties between African countries. This cooperation has promoted both the building of a China-Africa community with a shared future and a community with a shared future for humanity, underscoring China's significant role in driving global development and prosperity. (Wang Gaofei, Zhao Li)
奇趣七巧板3 0分鐘前 ❙今晚澳門必中一肖一碼適囗務目🍖真棒! 恐龍兄弟捕獵3 0分鐘前 新華社記者:男足不能只剩“擺爛”🛬 撲克牌戰術接龍 35分鐘前 曹正國低調創業18年迎來“春天” 正丹股份凈利猛增10倍擬出海建廠🏡 超人大戰鍵盤俠 8小時前 副市長暗訪多次詢問 女工作人員戴耳機聽歌不理睬➉ 桌球嘉年華 97小時前 國有六大行上半年攬儲情況浮出水面7018米!中國科學家又迎來歷史性突破🥖 人偶斗士😤 6天前 2800點保衛戰!公募發聲 重型消防車⛬ 6天前 美軍公然展示滅島能力 外媒:特朗普在南海要的不是戰爭 開車接人3🐣 3天前 阿根廷外交部指責委內瑞拉安全部隊包圍阿駐委大使館🗼 運礦大卡車2 1天前 恭喜!中國排球圈又一冠軍情侶誕生,郎才女貌超般配🤳 公主的城堡餐廳 63天前 鄭欽文曬和父母游玩九寨溝美照 🏿鉆石五子棋 21天前 強勢板塊補跌 外部因素企穩 A股有望迎來更多積極信號💨